Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Biggest Loser Calorie Knockout Extreme Cardio for Maximum Burn


After my disappointing Tae Bo workout yesterday, I needed to do something that was going to cause pain!  So I picked a surefire way to be in some serious pain. I picked The Biggest Loser Calorie Knockout Extreme Cardio for Maximum Burn. This DVD is a type of choose your own adventure. There is one warm up, one cool down and three 15 minute circuits that you can choose from. When the DVD gets to the menu screen, you can choose Workouts or Customize Your Workout. If you choose Workouts, you can pick a single workout to do. If you choose to customize your workout, you can select each part that you want to do. I didn't mess around with it to see if you can select the same section more than once. I will play around with that in a future workout. I picked the warm up, Circuit 1 and the cool down. You have the option to have the DVD play with just the music or the music and the instruction from the trainers.

Dolvett Quince does the warm up. I love Dolvett, but I'm not a fan of his warm up stuff. It involves jumping and putting me off balance. I don't remember this one having squats in it though, so that's a bonus. The warm up lasts just under five minutes. Since I customized the workout, it went right into Circuit 1 which was led by Anna Kournikova.

I honestly don't remember a lot about this workout other than the fact that I found her to sound and act very robotic. It really distracted me from what I was doing and made the time fly by. Having it only be a 15 minute segment, helped that part too. This workout used dumbbells, but I don't have any yet, so I didn't use them. It was still pretty killer even without them. 

The parts that I do remember.....jumping jacks, roundhouse kicks, front kick/back kicks, lateral raises, squats while doing shoulder presses, holding a squat position while moving your arms like you're running, and doing pulsing squats while moving your arms like you're running. 

I put the DVD into my laptop just to see what I had forgotten....knee lifts, front kicks, reverse flys, (odd that I forgot those because they were torture! my shoulders are so weak), reverse flys while alternating rear leg lifts, some soft of row that involved shifting your weight to one leg while reaching down to the floor near the foot of the bent leg and then pulling the weight to your opposite shoulder (I actually liked these), 

The pulsing squats while moving your arms like you're running was the last move. Anna congratulates you for doing the workout and then there is this awkward high fiving. Then I went right into the cool down with Dolvett. Nothing really stood out in the cool down. It was your typical stretching type stuff other than one specific move. During a cool down, I feel like you should be stretching and cooling down, but Dolvett likes to do stuff that I would consider part of the workout. In this one he did this "swimming" thing. I feel a theme here, Anna did the pump your arms like you're running and Dolvett does arm circles like you're swimming. The cool down was less than 5 minutes.

Overall, I really enjoyed the DVD. I liked that it was fairly short, but fairly intense. I know I'm going to hurt tomorrow. I think even my mid back will be sore from those rows. You can get a good burn in a short amount of time. I'm looking forward to do doing the remaining circuits. I really liked that the people in the DVD were big people! There were people in this DVD who were doing modified versions of the exercises and they didn't look like they were doing it for my benefit. They actually looked like they needed to do the modified versions! Finally! I would have preferred that at least one of them been in the front row instead of both of them in the back row, but I will get over that part. 

Below are my BodyMedia screen shots and my Nexercise screen shots. The tall, blip on the left is the workout. The rest of the blue blips are from me running around at work all day. 

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