Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Leslie Sansone Just Walk Belly Blasting Walk 2 Miles

Since I fried my legs yesterday, I decided to do a nice cardio routine today. I picked this walking workout by Leslie Sansone. This DVD has two workouts. I did the 2 mile walk. I will do the targeted waist slimming section later. There were no walk boosters in this DVD. The menu screen gives you the option of doing the entire workout, just the 2 mile walk, just the first part of the waist slimming workout or just the second part of the waist slimming workout. 

Once you hit just the two mile walk, you are transported into her studio where there are several 20somethings and Leslie all wearing brightly colored tops. Everyone is happy and perky. Leslie says a few words and the workout ensues. She takes you through the four basic moves which are walking in place, knee lifts, front kicks and side steps. Once you're all warmed up, she brings your arms into the mix. Your arms don't do a whole lot in this workout though. Your feet do most of the activity, but there are some arm movements. The moves beyond the basics in this one are actually more prevalent than the basic steps. There are tap outs, leg swings, mini squats, jumping squats, jogging in place, jogging and then twisting, twisting in place, twisting while moving left and right, squatting and coming up into a torso twist, shifting your weight from one foot to the other and then including punching, and jogging for two counts forward and back two counts. The twisting stuff was similar to doing the dance The Twist. 

All of the walkers are pretty skinny and no one looked like they were out of breath let alone huffing and puffing like I was. There was only one move where Leslie had someone do a modified version of an exercise. She did talk a few times about slowing down the pace if you needed to, but she only mentioned it once or twice. There were a few times when I went back to walking because there was just too much twisting and I couldn't come up with a modified version for myself, so I walked while I grabbed a couple sips of water. She usually finished up right about the time that I was done.

When you're about to hit 1 mile, a 5 second countdown shows up on the screen and then Leslie announces that you made it through a mile. The video feed did something funky and then it was like it was a new camera shot. I feel like they had intended to give people the option of doing two separate 1 mile walks, but then decided against it. I saw no other reason for the screen to fritz out at that exact moment. The cooldown in this one happens before you get to the 2 mile marker. The 5 second counter comes up again while you're stretching. That seemed really odd since I hadn't really moved in the past like two minutes, but whatever. 

Overall, I was very dissatisfied with this workout. This was made in 2012, and was drastically different than the Walk Away the Pounds and other older walk routines that I have done from Leslie Sansone. It was not a change for the better in my opinion. The awesome part about walking workouts like Walk Away the Pounds has been that it's straight up cardio. Okay, there are some arm movements with weights, and she has you squat down during things so you can engage more muscle, but the focus is on the four basic steps and you do them pretty quickly. They were the perfect routines to do after a strength training day. This workout was so incredibly bouncy, and there was a lot of squatting. I was actually afraid for my knees at times. I didn't do all of the twisting because it was just awkward and uncomfortable. I won't be doing this DVD again. Even if I hadn't done a decent amount on my legs the previous day, this still would not have been a workout I would do again. Bouncing is bad!

Below are my BodyMedia screen shots. I couldn't get Nexercise to load this morning. The big blue blip on the left is the workout. The rest of the blue blips are me walking around at work. 

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