Monday, January 11, 2021

iFit 2 Mile Challenge Kampong Thom, Cambodia

Today is Monday and I did this walk this morning. It's a workday so it should have been a short walk, but my husband set the alarm for 5:10 so he could get up and get on the treadmill. He opted to reset the alarm until 6:30. I had the choice of getting up, waiting until 6:30 or setting my own alarm for 5:45. I opted to just get up and get a 2 mile hike in. I'm not sure if that was a good decision or not I felt off kilter all day, but whatever. It is what it is and I got more calories burned. 

This was a very flat and very boring walk. It took a lot of mental fortitude to keep going just out of sheer boredom even with the YouTube videos. I tend to like a mental distraction like changes in elevation or changes in speed, but I didn't want to mess with the whole shin situation. If I did speed intervals, would my shin hurt? Who knows. I don't know since I didn't do it. I did go at 2.6 MPH just to see how things went. No shin pain. No calf pain. My right hamstring was a little tender which I found a bit odd, but whatever. It is what it is. My feet didn't go numb so that was another good thing. I wore the same leggings as yesterday since I did the wash after my workout. I also got to wear my Fabletics socks. I really like those. They are like magic gloves that are tiny, but stretch when you put your hands in them. They are amazing. Super thing too. 

My Hike

1 comment:

  1. Hats off to the Fit 2-Mile Challenge in Kampong Thom! The event was incredibly well-organized and motivating. How To Guard My Business Against Cybercrime Participants were energized by the scenic route and enthusiastic support from organizers. A remarkable fitness initiative that brought the community together for a healthy cause.
