Friday, August 8, 2014

Review of Beachbody Les Mills Combat Day 54

What I did and why

Today was Day 54 of Les Mills Combat! A week from yesterday, I will be on my last scheduled workout of the program! A week from today, I will be doing the free workout that came with the program. It wasn't included in the actual program though. The free PiYo workout gets worked into the rotation, but Les Mills Combat didn't include it. I could have swapped it out for Combat 30, but I wanted to do the program as it was laid out in the booklet. I haven't even watched it. I hope I love it, but then again, I hope I don't! If I love it, I'll wish that I had done it during the 60 days! If I love it, I'll just feel obligated to the buy the upgraded DVDs and do the 60 days of the tougher workout program while swapping the free workout in for Combat 30. I still hope I love it though because I had to fight to get the stinking thing. It didn't come with my kit and then my coach at the time wasn't being helpful. I finally got it! YAY!

Power Kata

This is a 45 minute combat workout. I thought today was Combat 60, so I popped that in and started to do the warm up. We got to the decoys in the warm up and I just wasn't in the mood for them. I then realized that I was doing the wrong workout! I popped out the DVD and put the right one in. I felt much better doing this one. I have confirmed that it's my favorite of the workouts. I only do this one once more before I'm done with my 60 day round! 

I felt a little off during this workout though. I missed some reps. I was slow in a couple places. I did do the scissor legs though. I also kept up better in he ginga section. I liked the workout and really got into the elbow and downward punch thing today. I had fun and I'm glad I put the right workout in. I don't really have much else to say about the workout. You can read the full play by play from Day 3 of Les Mills Combat when I did this workout for he first time. I still remember wanting to die during all of the knee strikes in this one. I got through it just fine today! Woot Woot

BodyMedia Screen Shots

When I looked at the readout after the workout, I felt pretty bummed that I was under 30 minutes of vigorous activity. I don't have my first workout tab screen shot for this workout since the Bluetooth connection died during the first workout, but the second time I did it, I only had 13 minutes of vigorous activity. That made me feel a lot better! However, the last time I did this workout, I had 32 minutes of vigorous activity. It makes me wonder what I didn't do this time. Hmmmm. 

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