Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Beachbody Les Mills Combat Day 17 Review

What I did and why

Today was Day 17 of Les Mills Combat! I can't believe it's already been 17 days! Tomorrow is a rest day! I'm soooooooooooo excited! Saturday will be 20 days and that will put me at 1/3 of the way done! Woot Woot. I'm really proving to myself that once I set my mind to doing something, I can actually get it done! I really didn't think I'd get beyond week one, but here I am kicking and punching my way through this.

Combat 30 Kick Start

Today was Combat 30 Kick Start. It's a 30 minute workout. You can read the play by play on my first day of Les Mills Combat. I have now done this workout five times. I thought that I would get bored with it, but I'm not. I/m finding ways to push harder and do better. Today, I was able to keep up with them for almost the entire workout. I did have to take water breaks between segments which put me into a slow start on the new segments. I'm also not doing the cross jacks and the scissor legs as good as they are, but I'll improve my style as my stamina grows. I'm a step up from the modified person in the workout, but I'm not quite to where the other people are yet. My cross jacks don't cross. They are more like just jacks. My scissor legs are a bit pathetic as well. They don't really scissor. They kind of meet in the middle and then separate again, I'm working on it though! I did do the jump kicks again. I feel like I got more lift in these as well. Maybe it''s all in my head though. LOL. The workout seemed really short. I remember my first day think that it was really long. I also remember feeling like the big kicking segment was never ending. It doesn't seem very long anymore.  

BodyMedia Screen Shots 

Here are my BodyMedia screenshots for the workout. The arc looks similar to my first time doing the workout, but you can see that I put more oomph into the beginning part and the end part. I had 3 additional minutes of vigorous activity during this workout compared to the first time doing it. I also burned about 30 more calories this time according to my BodyMedia devices. I love being able to look back at my charts and graphs from weeks or months ago and compare them. I'm a chart and graph kind of girl! Looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow. It's REST DAY! Woot Woot! 


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