Friday, May 16, 2014

Leslie Sansone Ultimate 5 Day Walk Plan Review Blue Mile

What I picked and why

I picked the Blue Mile from Leslie Sansone's Ultimate 5 Day Walk Plan. I picked this so I could finally do my second full review of the DVD. My first review of the Ultimate 5 Day Walk Plan was doing the complete 5 day walk plan as prescribed in the DVD. This time around, I set out to do each mile with the warm up and cool down as an individual workout. I plan on doing all of the strength exercises as one circuit as well, but that might have to wait until I get the DVD back again. I have so many plans and not enough time to do them. I think I need to quit my job and make my house The Biggest Loser Ranch and see how fast I can lose 150 pounds! I was still a little sore form my The Biggest Loser Calorie Knockout Extreme Cardio for Maximum Burn workout on Monday if you can believe that! I felt like I had never worked out before. That was crazy! I'm losing focus! Okay, so this DVD had 5 one mile walks on it, 5 strength training segments, a warm up and a cool down. You can do the 5 day plan as she has it set up, or you can pick up to 10 segments to play in any order that you chose. I saved the Blue Mile for the last because I knew there was jumping jacks! I was hoping to hold off on those until the new bra came, but this workout just needed to be done!


The workout started with a basic warm up that went over all of the four basic moves. She also mixed in the arms at one point and then repeated some of the four basic moves. 

The workout started off with a slowish pace and went through all of the basic moves plus added in walking forward two counts and back two counts. Nothing was terribly intense in the beginning, but she stacked the moves on top of each other. There was one section where we did double side steps going forward. about halfway through, the tempo picked up and it got intense. At the faster pace we also did double side steps going forward and backwards. There was a section of the boxer weight shifting bounce type thing. I hated this the first time I did this workout, but it wasn't torture this time. After you do that for a bit, she then has you do jumping jacks with your arms only going halfway up. I still don't have the new sports bra, so while I did do the jumping jacks, there was little jumping involved. It was more like sliding my feet across the floor to go in and out. It still took a great deal of effort, but the balls of my feet never really left contact with the ground. She alternated between these jumping jacks and jumping rope in place. Two of my favorite things (NOT!). It didn't last that long though. There was another weight shifting thing later in the workout. Oh and I almost forgot! During the weight shifting bounce thing, she also did an arm move where you alternate raising your arms up over your head and pulling them down. So the arm comes down as your shifting your hip to that side. It's hard for me to explain, but hopefully you get it. That little move was almost fun. Proud Mary was the song for that little section which really made that section less torturous. I should get the Radio Remix DVDs since I like workout to music that I can sing along with in my head. With all of that heavy breathing, I'm certainly not singing out loud!

The cool down was pretty standard. She had us do all of the basic steps plus walk forward two counts and back two counts. Everything was slower and smaller. She had some deep breathing while moving our arms up over our heads. After that was a calf stretch which was not even on both sides. Then we were done. 

BodyMedia Screen Shots

Here are the BodyMedia Link screen shots for the workout. I just need to say that I absolutely love the arc of this workout. It's a nice steady climb until you get to the end and then a nice steady drop. I really hope that my new bra will keep the girls still because I could do this workout over and over again now that I see how perfect the arc is. Maybe Leslie has me brainwashed. I know there are a lot of people into HIIT, so maybe this perfect little arc isn't all that that I'm making it out to be, but for I like the picture, and if that keeps me moving my body around the living room, than that's all that matters! I was surprised that I didn't have more than 8 minutes of vigorous activity with this workout, but It was a short workout, so I'm okay with it. 

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