Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Jessica Smith 12-Minute Indoor Power Walk

What I picked and why

I woke up this morning at about 2:00. My normal alarm clock time is 4:05, but my clock is set fast, so that's really like 3:50. I laid there for about 30 minutes listening to my husband snore. I decided that I wasn't going to fall back to sleep anytime in the near future, so I got up to read Jessica Smith's book Thin in 10. I ended up spending an hour on the Internet looking up random things. After an hour, I decided that I needed to pick the book up and read another chapter. The chapter was called The 10 Minute Walk. I learned all about how to get a good walk in 10 minutes. After I was done with the chapter, I was about ready to fall asleep. This wasn't due to the content or the writing, but reading makes me tired. I procrastinated and didn't really feel like working out at that point. I could barely keep my eyes open. I knew had plenty of 10 minute routines, so I went over there to see what I could find. I found this 12 minute workout that was posted this past weekend. It was a no brainer to pick that one. I figured that the extra 2 minutes would be bonus. 

The Workout

She started off by marching in place at a pretty good speed and she kept the speed up for the next 12 minutes. There was no easing into this or slowing down at the end. She quickly went into some side steps after a brief introduction. This workout had a lot of stuff packed into it. I can't remember all of it, but I do remember that she gave a higher intensity option a couple of times. She suggested jogging instead of marching in place. There was also a section where she went out out in in, which means a big step to the left with the left food a big step to the right with right foot and then you do a step in with the left and a step in with the right so you're back to the starting point. So during these, she suggested doing double jacks with just the legs. So you jump out with the legs and then do a bounce, before you jump in with the legs and do a bounce. There were two sections that she did this move. For the first one, I did the double jacks, but for the second one I did out out in in. I still don't have a decent sports bra. Oh yeah that was one of the things I was checking out on the Internet this morning! I ended up holding my boobs in place for the double checks and just didn't feel like doing it for the second set. 

This workout also had hamstring curls, walking (or jogging) in a figure 8 while facing forward (I don't think my figure 8 was a very good figure 8, but I didn't care), knee lifts, hamstring curls, doing two steps to the right then doing a knee lift followed by two steps to the left and a knee lift, walking forward for a little bit and then back for a little bit, heel taps out in front and a fun little move that taxed my brain at first. She angled to the corner of the room and did a knee lift with the outer leg, she then stepped around so she was facing the opposite corner and did a knee lift with the outside leg. Those always mess me up because I end up doing the knee lift with the wrong leg and then I get all kinds of confused. 

Peanut was in this workout too. I love Peanut. She was in her little bed with a chew toy. I was so focused on the workout that I didn't pay much attention to Peanut, but I read on YouTube that she lost her chew toy in the patio slider track and was digging around for 3-1/2 minutes to get it out. I saw the bone pop out of her bed, but I never saw her digging around for it. I'm tempted to do the workout again just to look for it to see what I was doing at that point. 

I really enjoyed this workout. I was able to keep up with her. I was sweating and breathing heavy, but I liked the steps and didn't feel like a complete idiot.

BodyMedia Screen Shots

Here are the BodyMedia screen shots for the day. I find it odd that the price of the BodyMedia Link device changes nearly on a daily basis. Today is the lowest I've seen it at just over $80.00. Last week it was over $100. Normally, it's in the $90 range. I love this little gadget! I like that it's on my upper arm instead of a bracelet type thing or something on my pants. I whack my hands on things, so anything on my wrist is going to break. Plus, I hate having anything on my wrist. I don't wear bracelets or anything. Anything on my pants will end up in the laundry. I'm still waiting for the day that I walk into the shower with my arm band on, but I hope the day doesn't ever happen. I think the spikes on there are from when I was doing the double jacks and the jogging while doing the figure 8s. I can't seem to get above 16 calories per minute for my burn. I hit close to 20 once. I wish I could remember what I did that day. I might have to do some research now! 


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