Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Leslie Sansone Walk & Firm Bonus 1 Mile Walk

What I picked and why

I was planning on doing the Walk & Firm DVD from the Walk Strong DVD Set, but my belly was not doing so well this morning so I decided to just do the bonus mile on that DVD. Turns out that I have already done the Walk & Firm portion of the DVD. I had planned on this one because I really wanted to write a post about this DVD set, but I haven't gotten around to doing all of the workouts. I was going to fix that today. I guess my belly problems were a blessing in disguise since I had done the full length workout, but not the bonus mile. Now I just need to do the Fit Cuff workout! Maybe tomorrow.

The Workout

The bonus mile workout starts with an introduction from Leslie Sansone. She then introduces a doctor who rattles on for a long time about how it's important to be fit as we get older. Apparently this was a seniors walk and I didn't know it. Once the doctor stopped talking, Leslie started talking again and she didn't shut up for the entire workout! 

The warm up was pretty standard. It had the four basic steps which are marching in place, side steps, front kicks and knee lifts. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. After the warm up, the pace picked up. It picked up a few times during the work out according to her, but it didn't ever feel fast. She only did the four basic moves and she did a lot of marching in place. There was also a bit of walking forward for two counts and back for two counts. Apparently I was wrong when I said she didn't do anything other than the four basic moves since walking up two and back two isn't part of the four basic steps. Oopsy silly me. So anyway, The only hand movements were a couple of brief parts where they went up over the head and came back and one spot where the opposite hand went out while doing front kicks. The workout was pretty low key, but the walkers were not professionals that's for sure. They didn't always hear her when she said to stop doing things. One woman kept putting her hands up over her head for a good 10 reps after Leslie had stopped. The same thing happened during some kicking. One of the guys always went with the opposite leg first so he was always off the beat from the rest of the people. At some point, she talked about going into the cool down and while doing the cool down the DVD just stopped and went back to the main menu. I'm not sure if I got a bad copy or if that's just what happens, but I made up my own cool down since I've done so many of these. 

BodyMedia Screen Shot

I'm tired so I'm only doing the one BodyMedia screen shot so I can wrap up this post and go to bed. It's a short workout, and I did my own cool down so showing the arc doesn't really help you any. 


  1. I'm enjoying reading about your weight loss journey. Out of all the workouts I could pick, I keep going back to the Walk Away the Pounds ones because I trust Leslie not to do moves that will be outside of my comfort zone. I've just started to do squats comfortably but I'm not comfortable with lunges yet. I've only see her do lunges on one dvd. Other workouts I start without knowing if they will be too advanced for me but with Leslie I never have to worry. - Sara

    1. I'm glad that you're enjoying the blog. I love writing it and it's the only thing that's keeping me on this weight loss journey. I've gone through a few weekends of really bad eating and my weight loss has been so slow lately. I just know that if I didn't have this blog, I would have let myself get derailed again. I agree with you about Leslie and the comfort zone. I've found that stationary lunges are much easier than the ones where you step forward or step back. There's one of her old school firming workouts that has a really good section on lunges. I had been doing them poorly, but she taught me about getting into the correct position and then just going down and up. I used to shift my weight forward or something. Once I did them with her, I hate lunges less. If I do a workout that has the stepping forward lunges, I just switch them to stationary lunges.
