Friday, February 21, 2014

Graze Box 5

I got my fifth box in the mail this week! It showed up on Tuesday, which was a day earlier than it did last week. I was very happy about that part. I was able to spread my snacks out a little bit longer instead of cramming them all into two days. Just a refresher.... is a mail order snack box company. They sent out a weekly or bi-weekly box of snacks. There are four snacks in each box. They are earthy crunchy type snacks and super yummy. You need a friend code to sign up. You get the first and fifth boxes for free. Each box costs $6, and that includes shipping. You can use my friend code if you need one....JAIMIE49P. 

Here is the environmentally box that it comes in.

Here is the inside of the box. The picture inside changes. 

This is the Garden of England snack. It contains dried apples, mini strawberries and black currants. I'm not a huge fan of dried apples. These were better than most. The mini strawberries were very sweet and very yummy. The black currants were sweet and yummy. It was a good combination of flavors. It was a good snack size. I'm going to Trash it on the site though for two reasons. I prefer my snacks to have some protein in them, but this is just dried fruit. I'm also just not a big fan of dried apples even though these were better than most.

The Japanese Nori Crackers are rice crackers with Nori seaweed. These were SPICY! I'm a pansy when it comes to spice, so the average person might not find these spicy, but I did. The texture was good and they tasted fresh. I'm going to Trash it on the site for two reasons. I'm trying to get rid of processed foods which is one reason I signed up for these boxes, and I just don't like spicy stuff. 

America's Nut Mix contains Brazil nuts, red skin peanuts, pecans and almonds. I'm not a fan of Brazil nuts, but I believe these were fresh and had good quality. I'm also not a fan of red skin peanuts, but again they were fresh and had good quality. I discovered that I actually like pecans. This is one of the other reasons that I signed up for these boxes. I wanted to try new things. I learned in an earlier box that I don't hate almonds. This box confirmed that. I wouldn't yet say that I love almonds, but I'm getting close to liking them. I'm going to trash this one just for the Brazil nuts.

Cookies & Cream contained white chocolate pieces, chocolate cookie pieces, sunflower seeds and roasted hazelnuts. I was confused by this mix, but my husband thought it was quite logical. The ingredients were all fresh and flavorful, but I'm not a fan of hazelnuts. This was a good snack size, but the sunflower seeds made it difficult to eat at my desk. There were too many sunflower seeds, and I quickly realized that if I didn't save some chocolate pieces, the last few bites would just be sunflower seeds. I enjoyed each ingredient, but I didn't enjoy the combo. I'm pretty sad to say, but I'm going to Trash this box too. I'm pretty bummed that I Trashed my whole box. I did like them all, but they are just not things I want again.

This is the nutritional card that came with the box. 

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