Tuesday, February 18, 2020

iFit Scottish Highland Series, Lochan Coire Lagan Hike Part 1, The Highlands, Scotland Day 4

Today is Tuesday. I got up at 4:00 am for some calls and then went to work all day. When we came home, I got up on the treadmill and got this one done! It was day four and I did the day four walk! Woot woot! This was supposed to be about 469 feet and we were supposed to go fast. I knew that I was not going to make it through this if I didn't slow down the pace and I really wanted to make it through this one. It's my fourth day and I hadn't gotten through any of the previous ones properly. The first one I had to kill the incline and then it did. The second one, I had to kill the incline, but it didn't die. The third one I didn't make any changes to it, but it still died. I wanted to get through one of them without anything dying. I started out at 2.0 and then went down to 1.8 and a little more 2.0 and then at some point I was down to 1.5. I never went below 1.5.

My hamstrings pretty much hated life, but I was going slow enough that I could breathe. I actually felt like I was going to slow. I felt like I wasn't pushing myself, but I didn't want to push too hard and then not make it through the end, so I just kept it at 1.5 for the hard parts. I got through it. I lost about 120 feet in elevation and turned a 1.1 mile hike into a .8 mile hike, but I don't care. I got through this thing! I'm happy. I'm also not hacking my lungs up, so I'm pretty sure I should increase the speed a touch for tomorrow if it's a similar elevation scheme and distance, but I haven't looked ahead yet, so I'm not sure.

For this walk, he mainly talked about filming a scene in The Hobbit. It was the scene in the water with the barrels. I'm not sure which movie it was, but I remember the scene. He was entertaining in his storytelling. This was the first one where we weren't watching TV too so I could actually hear him. I turned up the volume and my husband got to listen too. He loves the moves and knows which character this guy played. It was entertaining enough. We shall see what tomorrow brings! It's AGT night so I can't type for much longer. I included my walk below and what it was supposed to be with the speed. He's insane if he thinks I'm going to walk that dang fast on this! Nope not happening. He mentioned people starting slow and eventually running it. Nope! Not going to happen!

I hatched two Pokemon Go eggs before I got on the treadmill, so I won't have many eggs hatching after. The ones I got before were an Absol and a Shinx. After the walk, I got a Patrat. I wish I had remembered to pull up my phone while I was walking so I could have loaded something else into the egg cooker since I had less than a third to go on that egg. Oh well. I was busy trying not to fall off the machine! Have a great day/night whatever it might be!

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