Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Review of Beachbody Les Mills Combat Day 51

What I did and why

Today was Day 51 of Les Mills Combat. I'm sitting here writing this and all I can hear in my head is the song Final Countdown. I've only got 9 days left! One of those is a rest day. I only have 8 workouts left in Les Mills Combat. While I'm happy to be nearing the end of this because I will feel like I accomplished something, I'm also sad in a way. I'm a little stressed too! I'm sad because I will miss Combat. I wish they had a Les Mills Combat 2! If you can have a new P90 every few year, why not a new Combat! I NEED MORE COMBAT! I might have to go pick up some Billy Blanks TaeBo stuff. I'm stressed because I'm not sure what my plan is for when Combat is over. I had planned on taking some time off before doing PiYo, but now that I'm doing the PiYo Get Lean Eating Plan, I want to do PiYo. I know I need at least a week off after Combat just to let my muscles recover before I start PiYo though, so what will I do in that week? I still need to workout, but it needs to be something much more low key. No more jumping around like a mad woman! I was thinking of doing a Gaiam TV trial and just doing Leslie Sansone workouts for that full 10 days, but I also have a 60 day trial at DailyBurn that a friend gave me. It's good through October though so I don't have to start it right now. However, if I start PiYo, it will run through into October. Maybe by then it will be cool enough to do two workouts in a day. I'm not sure. My brain is in overdrive. For the last 51 days, I haven't had to think about what workout I was going to do. I just flip to the calendar in the book and I know what to do. It's working for me. I don't want to mess with my success. I hate decisions. 

Okay, moving on...

Shock Plyo

Today was Shock Plyo. You can read all of the nasty things I thought during my first attempt at Shock Plyo on Day 5 of Les Mills Combat. I might still believe some of the things I said that day. i didn't reread the post to see. Today, I thought I would try the plyo lunges. I actually tried to make my legs do them, but it didn't happen. I'm not really sure what happened, but it wasn't a plyo lunge. I think that will have to be just like scissor legs and cross jacks. One day I'll just do them and not even realize I'm doing them. Today was not that day. I modified all of the plyo lunges. I really wish this workout had an actual warm up. Anything with jump squats and burpees in it, is not a warm up in my book. One day, I'll remember to do a warm up before this workout to figure out if it makes it any better. 

There are soooooooooo many lunges in this workout it's crazy! My legs are still sore from Saturday! I did some of the modified stuff, but some of the stuff like the drop taps I didn't modify. I did the burpees right and kept up with them until they started throwing in the extra jump squats. I didn't jump for the ski squats at the end. I just wasn't in a jumping mood. I really need to get a smaller sports bra. I did the mountain climbers on my toes! I think this is the first time that I did them all on my toes. The last time I'm pretty sure the first set was on my toes, the second set was half and half and the third set was a couple seconds on my toes and the rest on my knees. I'm really looking forward to trying those push ups on my toes! I have to wait until after Combat is done though. There will be no injuries that prevent me from finishing this! 

I didn't feel like I was going to die at the end of this workout! That made me all warm and fuzzy inside. I still have to do this one once more this week and once more next week. It's the last workout on the 60 day program. I'm going to do Combat 30 on Day 61 though. I can't end my Combat round with Shock Plyo! Nope! Not happening!

BodyMedia Screen Shots

Here are my screen shots! It still drives me nuts that it only shows 18 minutes of activity when I was busting butt the entire time, but whatever. I'm getting a heart rate monitor and I'll see how the two compare when it comes to the calorie burn. I love the workout arc of this one. It's just so wacky looking. 

Want to learn more about Les Mills Combat?

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