Monday, August 4, 2014

Review of Beachbody Les Mills Combat Day 50

What I did and why

Today was Day 50 of Les Mills Combat. I'm 5/6 of the way through! No one uses the fraction 5/6, but I'm totally using it today! I only have 10 days left to sweat it out and burn these calories before I submit my pictures for the Challenge. I'm pretty sure I won't win any money from the challenge because I can't even see the difference in the pics, but I still want the T-shirt. Then I can say, "Been there. Done that. Got the T-shirt to prove it." I'm pretty excited to try a real push up too! Okay so, I woke up thinking that today was going to be Combat Live 60, but it turned out to be Combat 45. YAY! I got an extra 15 minutes on the computer this morning! I really like to have 10 - 15 minutes to wake up before I start working out. That is one reason I really want to try T25. Can you imaging 25 minute workouts every day! OH that would be sooooooooooo splendid! I might feel guilty though and double up some or maybe not! I'm still pretty sore from Saturday. All of those jumping sumo squats really beat me up! 

Power Kata

This is a 45 minute combat workout. You can read the play by play on my Review of Day 3 of Les Mills Combat when I did Power Kata for the first time. Just remember, it was my first time doing the workout and only my third day of Les Mills Combat. I may have said some nasty things about the program, but obviously they were all lies because I stuck with the program and I'm on Day 50. 

I keep going back and forth between this workout and Combat Live 60 as my favorite workout. After I do the other one, I think it's my favorite. After I do this one, I think it's my favorite. Oh I just can't decide! This one has a really long repetitive section with a lot of knee strikes, but it also has a lot of the descending elbows and downward punches. It also has ginga and gina is fun. Ginga makes my but sore without making me feel like I'm going to fall over or bust a ligament in my knee. I'm getting better at that crazy section in Combat Live 60, but I still hate lunges. Today, I'm going to day that Power Kata is my favorite. Wait until Wednesday when I do Combat Live 60 again. We'll see if I change my mind.

I managed to keep up with pretty much everything they did in this. I even did the cross jacks. I didn't do the jumping knee strikes though. For some reason, I just can't really grasp these. I should try them more, but today I was feeling a little wiped out. I didn't eat the best this weekend and dinner was pretty early yesterday afternoon, so I wasn't really in peak form. I've got six workouts in a row this week before I get a rest day. I hope I'm not all wonky tomorrow morning. My allergies are acting up a little bit too. 

BodyMedia Screen Shots

Here are my BodyMedia Screen Shots for the workout. It still bums me out that I don't have a workout tab from my first time doing this workout. I also don't have it from one workout last week either. Odd that it's the same workout missing them. Oh well. I'm stronger. I'm better. I'm smaller. Who cares about a cute little chart. Oh who am I kidding! I care about the charts and graphs! I'm happy that I have the workout arc to compare. I can see some definite places where I increased my calories per minute. Woot Woot!

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