Friday, August 8, 2014

PiYo Get Lean Eating Plan Day 5

PiYo Get Lean Eating Plan Day 5

Well, today was Day 5 of my PiYo eating plan. My mixed veggies for the primary vegetables is probably a bit of a stretch. Hubby made dinner and it wasn't what we had talked about. I was going to make stuffed peppers with the left over meat/rice mix from last night. However, he made soup instead to help me out so I didn't have to deal with it when I got home because I needed to get some editing done. I appreciate his efforts, but it didn't exactly fit into my plan for the day. I have days where I'm strong enough to stand up and say that it's not going to work for me, and I have days where I let the stresses of life impact my decision. He was right; I did have editing that needed to be done. I also didn't want to waste the food he had prepared. I'm really nervous about hopping on the scale tomorrow too. I've tried really hard to not eat anything salty this week. I still put a little salt on my eggs in the morning and there's some salt in my sliced turkey, but I've tried to avoid most salt. I retain water like there's no tomorrow if I eat salt. I'm overly at 39 pounds lost and I need to hit 40 pounds this weekend or I might go postal. I know it's not about the scale, blah blah blah......I want to hit 40 pounds! 

Okay, so the day started out with Shakeology again. I mixed it with Almond milk today. I used the shaker cup method. The potatoes in my secondary vegetables were part of the soup. He also added french fries to the soup. It's super yummy, but probably not the type of potatoes Chalene had in mind. The nuts in my fats section all came from snack box. Those things are portion controlled snacks, but by my count of the number of nuts that were in there, I had all of my fats in that one snack. I'm not so sure how I feel about that. I still had my homemade salad dressing, but I'm at the end of the bottle, so there wasn't much oil left. 

My midmorning snack was an apple once again. I do need to branch out and work on getting other fruits into my life. Why mess with a good thing though. For lunch, I had my trusty salad with cucumbers, grapes and chicken breast. My afternoon snack was two helpings of sliced turkey and my green slime. That was a very filling snack. I almost couldn't finish it, but I needed to get the extra serving of protein and I needed to finish the package of turkey. Dinner was my husband's creation. It included canned soup, chicken meatballs and french fries. It was yummy, but it wasn't exactly on the healthy eating plan for the day. I finished off my blueberry frozen yogurt drops. Oh I love them! I bought 8 pounds of blueberries at Safeway too. I'll be working on freezing them and vacuum sealing them in my Foodsaver. I've never used it! We're going to this weekend though! 

We'll see how the weekend goes! It will start out with a nice big glass of Shakeology, so at least I'll have one healthy thing this weekend. 

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