Thursday, August 7, 2014

PiYo Get Lean Eating Plan Day 4

PiYo Get Lean Eating Plan Day 4

Today was Day 4 of my PiYo Get Lean Eating Plan. I'm still doing Les Mills Combat for exercise, but I wanted to try out the PiYo eating plan before I started PiYo. I had a few rough days with it, but I feel pretty good about it today. I still take issue with the fact that I shouldn't be eating any of my snacks. I love them and I'm not giving them up! I'm so addicted to them, I couldn't even give them up for the week of this plan. Oopsy.

My morning went quite the same as usual. I had my Shakeology while I was packing my bag. I had my hard boiled eggs when I got to work. At 8:00 AM, I had my snack. Today it was Triple Berry Smoothie. It's made up of dried bananas, strawberries and I think cranberries. I can't remember. It's yummy. The dried bananas are growing on me. At 9:30, I had my apple. I know that I need to work on pairing up my carbs with my proteins, but I'm still working out the kinks in this whole plan. By the time I get it figured out, I'll probably stop doing the plan. LOL. 

Okay so lunch was the salad with the cucumber, chicken, grapes and homemade olive oil and lemon juice dressing. My 2:00 PM snack was the Green Slime and the turkey breast. Dinner was awesome! I made taco meat first. Then I mixed in the left over rice that hubby made. He might not be happy that I took the rest of his rice, but he can have my left over dinner. Okay, so I put the taco meat and rice into a red bell pepper. I'm too lazy to do the work of cutting out the guts while it's whole, so I cut the pepper in half and lay it on it's side to bake it. I put it in a meat loaf pan since I only did the one pepper. I put some chicken broth in the bottom of the pan and covered it with aluminum foil. I baked it at 350 for 30 minutes and had yummy taco stuffed peppers. If I do this again, which I'm sure I will, I'll add some beans into the mix. I didn't have any that I could find.

Dinner was pretty spicy since hubby made the rice and he likes spicy. He cuts it back for me, but the rice was all for him. I devoured two Dixie cups full of my blueberry frozen yogurt drops. Those things are to die for! I'm starting to wonder if the blueberries had sugar in them. They were whole frozen blueberries and didn't look like they had any syrup on them, but these things are just that good that they have to have added sugar! I didn't add any though.I can't even taste the yogurt at all! I'm so making these again. Tomorrow, Safeway has blueberries on sale 2 pounds for $5.00. WOOT WOOT! 

After dessert, I sat down to fill out my food list for the day. I discovered that I still had one secondary vegetable or grain and two fats. Last night, I wasn't smart enough to figure this out before I ate my peanut butter, but tonight I was! I made myself a peanut butter sandwich. I only used 1 slice of bread and folded it in half. I felt like I was cheating because peanut butter is just so awesome and it was after dessert. Usually, dessert is my cut off. I don't eat after dessert. I'll have to get back into that habit at some point. 

Okay, so this eating plan is having me eat more food than I normally would eat and it's making me feel guilty about some of my healthy options. I have some really big mixed feelings on that. Maybe I'll have some amazing weight loss this week and I'll be inspired to continue with this plan. We'll see! 

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