Wednesday, August 6, 2014

PiYo Get Lean Eating Plan Day 3

PiYo Get Lean Eating Plan Day 3

I stuck with my Shakeology for "breakfast" mixed with some coconut milk. I drank it while I was packing my food for the day. I still had my eggs when I got to work. Today, I had another snack at 8:00AM. This one was pretty yummy. It had dried raisins and cherries. It also had little fudge pieces that didn't fit into any of the categories about and I'm okay with that. The almonds in my Healthy Fat section came from my snack. 

At 9:30, I had an apple again. I really love my apples! For lunch, I had a salad again. That was the spring mix, cucumber, grapes, 3 ounces of chicken and the EVOO. For my afternoon break, I had the green slime, one slice of the bread and three slices of the turkey breast. 

Dinner was an issue! I got home and realized that I had no vegetables left from the left overs from the weekend and I wasn't in the mood to cook. I've got some lean ground beef that I can make some stuffed peppers with, but I just didn't want to deal with it. I knew that I needed to eat at least one of the chicken breasts because I had more left over than would be eaten in my salad. I rummaged around in the fridge and found some left over rice. I consulted my nutrition guide and saw that I could eat that rice, but I would only get 1/2 a cup. My other option was to eat a can of green beans. I'm not thrilled with the sodium content and I'm sure I'll gain five pounds over night, but I'll pee a lot for two days and it will all go away. That left me with still needing another secondary vegetable or grain though. I wish I had realized that before I ate my peanut butter. I would have tossed some peanut butter on a slice of bread. Now, I get to eat the bread with nothing on it. It's still good bread, but a peanut butter sandwich would have felt like I was cheating even though I'm not! 

For dessert, I had some frozen blueberry yogurt drops. I'll write about these later, but I will say that they are delicious! This is from a person who doesn't like blueberries and doesn't like yogurt. I filled my little Dixie cup up twice! Woot Woot! I think I figured out how to get yogurt into my life for sure! However, there's really not a ton of yogurt in there. It's way more blueberry than it is yogurt. 

So after three days, I'm feeling like I will be giving up on this eating plan after my week is over. I'm feeling like I'm supposed to say no to healthy things because I've run out of servings on my list. Even if I'm well below my caloric needs for the day according to the math. I am liking the fact that I'm realizing that I probably wasn't eating enough before, but I'm feeling restricted by the categories. I thought he categories were so awesome in the beginning. I wasn't restricted to specific meals that they suggested. I could eat anything I wanted as long as it fit into the categories. The honeymoon is over. I want to just go back to eating food that's healthy and not worry about how it fits into a list. 

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