Sunday, February 16, 2020

iFit Scottish Highland Series Beinn Alligin Hike Part 2, The Highlands, Scotland Day 2

Today is Sunday! I get to go back to work tomorrow. I actually like my job so that's not a big deal. I have at least one more week of freedom! The chick at work that really brings me down will be out for another week. It might be longer, but we know at least this week. 

Okay, so today is Sunday and I'm trying to do this Scottish Highland thing in order. At some point, I might redo the first one that I failed at yesterday. So I picked this one since it was the second day of the program. I was a bit skeptical about it. There was an extremely long incline for the first 1/3 of this and then a little dip, big hill, big dip, big hill, little dip. I wasn't sure if I'd make it through the first section. About halfway up, I was all positive. I was doing the whole self affirmation thing. I was telling myself that I could do this and it wasn't that bad and I got this! Once it leveled out at the top and did the little dip and then went back to 15% or whatever it was, I felt good. Then we hit the 18% part and my heart rate was like 180 and I kinda wanted to die. I survived the 18% section, but then I hit the 0% so I'd go flat. I knew that I was going to need more recovery time before the next hill. I was coughing and couldn't breathe and it was just hell. 

Once I got down to 0%, it got even worse for a little bit. Not sure how, but it did. I was pretty happy that I had hit the 0% because if I was that bad flat, no way I would have survived that incline. I did learn something though. When I got down to 0%, the speed still changed with the trainer. Once we were done with the gnarly hill section, I hit the follow the trainer again and did that little hill before the end hill. Once we got up to 12% incline, I kinda wanted to die again, so I hit 0% after that was over and I just skipped the last big hill. This was a very educational walk. I think I'm going to do more control over the speed so I can see about doing these inclines. I could probably do better when them if I wasn't going as fast as they have it set. Hitting 0% was totally worth it just to learn that. I don't feel like a failure. I feel like I have new hope for future workouts in this series and in other video ones. I was happy that the video didn't die on me or freak out like it did yesterday when I tried to hit the button to follow the trainer. 

I don't think I talked much about the trainer guy in the walk from yesterday. His name is Graham McTavish. He was a hobbit in The Hobbit. He was also in Outlander. His chatter is mainly about him being an actor. I suppose that's fine and dandy, but it's not really what I expected. I guess if you like Graham McTavish, it could be fun to get to know more about him and his life. I don't know him, so I'm like eh. I'd prefer if he talked more about Scotland and The Highlands. 

During the cool down period, the machine looked like it was acting up so I hit the stop cool down button to see if it was responding. I should have picked a different button. It was responsive. It ended up shutting down the cool down so I didn't bring my heart rate all the way down. That was a regrettable decision. My heart is still kinda racing. My breathing is still a bit high and I'm still coughing. I kinda want to just lay in bed and fall asleep, but I'm covered in sweat, so that would be a bad idea. I can't take a shower since hubby turned on the dishwasher while I was on the treadmill. It's still going!

On a more positive note, I hatched a new to me Pokemon Go egg! It was a Darumaka. It is absolutely adorable! I have .27km to hatch another egg. Okay, I'm going to go sit on the couch and see if I can focus on reading a book while hubby watches TV and the dishwasher finishes.  

My attempt

What it should have been 

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