Sunday, September 14, 2014

Review of Beachbody PiYo Day 14 - Two weeks DONE!

Day 14: Core

I'm actually on track with my workouts. Today was Core and that's what I did today. We were going to go on a hike today, but we slept in and didn't go hiking. I had planned on making this a rest day and tomorrow I was going to do two workouts, but since we didn't go hiking, I did my Sunday workout. 

Core is crazy intense! I did better with it this time than before though. I actually did the Split Down Dog with the ankle touch down to a Plank position correctly. When you do those right, they are intense! I tried the Side Planks without the modification. OMG my shoulder was shaking so badly. My favorite part of this workout............NO PUSH UPS! Woot Woot. 

My least favorite thing about this workout was all of the Criss Crosses (bicycles). I had to stop a couple times. The last time I did this, I didn't really get what she was saying about pushing on my knees during one part of the Criss Cross segment, but this time I did it and wowzers, it made a difference. The Criss Cross segment seemed to be never ending. At the beginning of it, I had great form, but as we went on and she had us do things like extend our arms out instead of having our hands behind our head, my form went to crap. I started out with my legs going straight out and pretty close to the floor, but as time went on, my legs started going up and not all the way. Good thing no one was watching because I looked terrible! 

The workout seemed to be done quickly this time. The first time I did it, it seemed to last much longer. I suppose that's a good sign. You can read the play by play of my first time with Core on Day 10. I get to do Core again on Tuesday! Next week, I get to pick between Core and Hardcore on the Floor. If Core is hard, I can only imagine how hard Hardcore on the Floor will be! Tomorrow is Buns for the first time. I'm kinda scared for that one. 

BodyMedia Screen Shot

Here is the screen shot from BodyMedia. These are so uninspiring I know. She talks about burning a bunch of calories doing this stuff, but BodyMedia doesn't seem to think so. 

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